2022/05 | 2022/09
MuVIM (Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat)
2022/05 | 2022/09
MuVIM (Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat)
19/05 2022 - 31/08 2022
The exhibition shows the latest projects carried out by the artist Jesus Herrera. Under the premise that every painter eats paint, that is, his own work is built on that of others that have preceded him, whom he cites, appropriates, revisits, and reworks in a dialogue that feeds back on itself. Turning him into a cannibal of his own trade.
La exposición muestra los últimos proyectos realizados por el artista Jesús Herrera. Bajo la premisa de que todo pintor come pintura, es decir, que su propia obra se construye sobre la de otros que le han precedido, a los que cita, se apropia, revisita y reelabora en un diálogo que se retroalimenta. Convirtiéndolo en un caníbal de su propio oficio.
Pintura Canibal
19/05 2022 - 31/08 2022
The exhibition shows the latest projects carried out by the artist Jesus Herrera. Under the premise that every painter eats paint, that is, his own work is built on that of others that have preceded him, whom he cites, appropriates, revisits, and reworks in a dialogue that feeds back on itself. Turning him into a cannibal of his own trade.
La exposición muestra los últimos proyectos realizados por el artista Jesús Herrera. Bajo la premisa de que todo pintor come pintura, es decir, que su propia obra se construye sobre la de otros que le han precedido, a los que cita, se apropia, revisita y reelabora en un diálogo que se retroalimenta. Convirtiéndolo en un caníbal de su propio oficio.

View of the exhibition Pintura Canibal/CANNIBAL PAINTING
MuVIM (Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat) Valencia - SPAIN
February 2022 | August 2022
Albert Eckhout: PROLOGUE.
The project reflects on the series of paintings in the Nationalmuseet i København by Albert Eckhout made on his expedition to Brazil (1637-1644) in order to document the New World. Specifically fruits and vegetables from Brazil.
Albert Eckhout: PROLOGUE. It is made up of 12 drawings/100x100cm /Smoke black pigment on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper 290g
Copenhagen 2021
The drawings reproduce the backgrounds of these paintings without the fruits and vegetables of Brazil, only the skies.

Albert Eckhout: PROLOGUE.
The project reflects on the series of paintings in the Nationalmuseet i København by Albert Eckhout made on his expedition to Brazil (1637-1644) in order to document the New World. Specifically fruits and vegetables from Brazil.
Albert Eckhout: PROLOGUE. It is made up of 12 paintings /25x25cm / oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021
The paintings reproduce postcards of each of Albert Eckhout's original paintings of the fruits and vegetables of Brazil.

Around Albert Eckhout:
Fruits and vegetables of Denmark I
90x90cm /Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

Around Albert Eckhout:
Fruits and vegetables of Denmark II
90x90cm /Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

Around Albert Eckhout:
Fruits and vegetables of Denmark III
90x90cm /Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

Around Albert Eckhout:
Fruits and vegetables of Denmark IV
90x90cm /Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

Eckhout: Portraits of Danish Women
23 portraits of 23 Danish women from the different ethnic groups that make up the country, trying to reflect the percentage of non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities.
9.5x9.5cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021
23 portraits of 23 Danish women from the different ethnic groups that make up the country, trying to reflect the percentage of non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities.
9.5x9.5cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021

Eckhout: Portraits of Danish Men
23 portraits of 23 Danish men from the different ethnic groups that make up the country, trying to reflect the percentage of non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities.
9.5x9.5cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021
23 portraits of 23 Danish men from the different ethnic groups that make up the country, trying to reflect the percentage of non-Scandinavian ethnic minorities.
9.5x9.5cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021

polyptych (50) 12x12cm/ Oil on wood/
/Sao Paulo-Italy 2011-2018/
polyptych (50) 12x12cm/ Oil on wood/
/Sao Paulo-Italy 2011-2018/

Polyptych (24) 15x10cm/ Gold leaf-oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2019

Self-portrait carrying Anonymous portrait-miniatures
Diptych (2) 117x87cm/ Gold leaf-oil on linen
Copenhagen 2019

30x25cm/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

15x10cm/ Ink on paper
Copenhagen 2021

Hand as a solid
(2) 50x70cm/smoke black pigment, coal and pencil on Hahnemühle bamboo paper 290gsm
Copenhagen 2021

40x30cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021

(2x) 15x30 cm/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

120 x152/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2020

40x30cm/ Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2021

(2x) 15x30 cm/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

15x22cm/Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2022

40x30cm/Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2022

15x22cm/Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2022

40x30cm/Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2022

15x22cm/Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2022

40x30cm/Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2022

15x22cm/Oil on linen/
Copenhagen 2022

40x30cm/Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2022

polyptych (7) 50x40cm/ Oil on canvas
Rio de Janeiro 2008

40x30cm/Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

Tempus Mutis
162x162cm/ Oil on linen
Valencia 2006

73x73cm/ Oil on linen
Valencia 2006

I’Essayeur II
73x73cm/ Oil on linen
Valencia 2006

Autorretrato/ IA aproximación
70x70cm/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2021

70x70cm/ Oil on linen
Copenhagen 2017