Born in Petrer (Alicante) | SPAIN | 1976.
lives and works in Copenhagen | DENMARK
His works proposes a pictorical reflection in conflict-friction points of the construction of an image and its posterior representation, the technical-pictorical recuperation as inherent part of the artistic language and the narrative strategies inside the parameters of the “painting”.
Has done several artistic studies and investigations abroad: Madrid (Spain.2016), Rome (2015 and 2014), São Paulo (Brazil.2013), Mexico DF (Mexico.2013), Holguin (Cuba.2012), Tg-Jiu/Gorj (Romania.2012), São Paulo (Brazil.2011), La Paz (Bolivia.2011), Richmond (USA.2010) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil.2008). Since 2016 lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Among his latest projects stands out :
“Cannibal Painting” Parpalló Gallery/ MuVIM(Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat) / (19 may - 31 august 2022)
"All the partial knowledge of the world" Frederiksborg Slot Museum of National History. Denmark (1 november -31 december 2019)
[ with the support of: STATENS KUNSTFOND and STATENS VAERKSTEDER for Kunst -The Danish Art Workshops]
"Taking care of the Garden of Eden" with support from Royal Academy of Spain in Rome . Italy (2018).
"Spatium Hermeticum". thanks to the IV Grant for artistic investigation and production Espai Rambleta . Valencia / Spain. (2017)."Pintura-Mundo", winner of the artistic residence at The Academy of France in Madrid "Aides spécifiques Casa de Velázquez". Madrid, Spain. (May-July 2016).
"Landscapes in the New West", winner of the Artistic Grant Alfons Roig for the development of a pictorial landscape project. / Mexico DF and São Paulo (2013-2014).
The realization of a fresco for the XVI century cloister at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome complementing The cycle of Niccolò Circignani “Il Pomarancio” /1588. (January-June 2015).
lives and works in Copenhagen | DENMARK
His works proposes a pictorical reflection in conflict-friction points of the construction of an image and its posterior representation, the technical-pictorical recuperation as inherent part of the artistic language and the narrative strategies inside the parameters of the “painting”.
Has done several artistic studies and investigations abroad: Madrid (Spain.2016), Rome (2015 and 2014), São Paulo (Brazil.2013), Mexico DF (Mexico.2013), Holguin (Cuba.2012), Tg-Jiu/Gorj (Romania.2012), São Paulo (Brazil.2011), La Paz (Bolivia.2011), Richmond (USA.2010) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil.2008). Since 2016 lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Among his latest projects stands out :
“Cannibal Painting” Parpalló Gallery/ MuVIM(Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat) / (19 may - 31 august 2022)
"All the partial knowledge of the world" Frederiksborg Slot Museum of National History. Denmark (1 november -31 december 2019)
[ with the support of: STATENS KUNSTFOND and STATENS VAERKSTEDER for Kunst -The Danish Art Workshops]
"Taking care of the Garden of Eden" with support from Royal Academy of Spain in Rome . Italy (2018).
"Spatium Hermeticum". thanks to the IV Grant for artistic investigation and production Espai Rambleta . Valencia / Spain. (2017)."Pintura-Mundo", winner of the artistic residence at The Academy of France in Madrid "Aides spécifiques Casa de Velázquez". Madrid, Spain. (May-July 2016).
"Landscapes in the New West", winner of the Artistic Grant Alfons Roig for the development of a pictorial landscape project. / Mexico DF and São Paulo (2013-2014).
The realization of a fresco for the XVI century cloister at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome complementing The cycle of Niccolò Circignani “Il Pomarancio” /1588. (January-June 2015).
Member of Billedkunstnernes Forbund (BKF)
2021 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen (july-sept)
2021 World Wide Air resident FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design. Copenhagen, Denmark. (april-june2019 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 Artist residence. Academy of France in Madrid "Casa Velazquez". May-July. Madrid, Spain.
2015 Stay and research for the realization of a fresco at the XVI century cloister at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy.
2014 Artist in residence with specialty in painting at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy.
2013 Artist Residence, Oficina de Arte production space. March-September. Mexico DF. Mexico.
2012 XVIII Iberoamerican Culture Festival. Casa de Iberoamerica and the Regional Department of Culture in Holguin. Cuba.
(Developed with support from the Spanish Ministry of Culture 2012 to promote contemporary art)
2012 Festivalul International al Artelor Vizuale GORJFEST. 7-16 October. Tg-Jiu/Gorj. Rumania.
2011 Participation in the VII International Art Biennale, SIART. La Paz. Bolivia.
2011 Invitation to develop painting project in Brazil (Sao Paulo) by the contemporary art gallery Paralelo Gallery. Brazil.
(Developed with support from the Spanish Ministry of Culture 2011 to promote contemporary art)
2009 Artist Workshop by Walid Raad. Valencian Institute of Modern Art. IVAM.Valencia.Spain.
2008 Stay/ Artistic Research, Bispo de Rosario Museum of Contemporary Art. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
2003 Natural Painting Workshop. Conducted by Antonio Lopez. Graduate Training Center. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
2004 MFA in Drawing and expressive methods. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
1998-1999 BFA /Erasmus Scholarship. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. Italia.
1994-1999 Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
2023 “The state of the Art”. Cultural Center Petrer .Petrer (Alicante). Spain.
2022 “Cannibal Painting” Parpalló Gallery/MuVIM(Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat).Valencia. Spain.*
2022 A new portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary is created. / Preliminary studies by Jesús Herrera Martínez/. The Museum of National History. Frederiksborg Castle. Denmark.*
2019 All the partial knowledge of the world. The Museum of National History. Frederiksborg Castle. Denmark.*
2018 Taking care of the Garden of Eden. White Noise Gallery.Rome. Italy
2017 SPATIVM HERMETICVM. Espai Rambleta. Valencia.*
2016 ABISMO. El Paisaje en el Nuevo Occidente. Galeria ATM. Gijón.
2015 Landscapes in the New West. MUVIM. Valencia.*
2015 HYPERBAROQUE. White Noise Gallery. Rome. Italy.
2012 [Ex Fumo in Lucem]. Casa de Iberoamerica Holguín. Cuba. *
2011 Orlas e margens do racional. Paralelo Gallery, Sao Paulo. Brazil. *
2008 Quebra-Cabeça. Manoel Macedo Contemporary Art Gallery. Belo Horizonte. Brazil. *
2008 Iconoclastias. Cultural Center of Mislata. Valencia. Spain. *
2007 Tempus Mutis. Atlantic Financial Center. A Coruña. Spain.
2006 Parafilias. In the context of 4th Festival of Agro-Erotic. L'Alcudia. Valencia. Spain. *
Art Rotterdam 2022.[Netherlands] | 19-22 may | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome. .
JustMad 2022 [Spain] | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome
Art Rotterdam 2021.[Netherlands] | 1-4 July | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome.
Art Verona 2020 -digital yelow | [Italy /covid digital edition/ 4-14 december ] | White Noise Gallery / Rome.
JustMadXI 2020 and 2019 [Spain] | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome.
ArtBO 2018 | [Bogotá .Colombia] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón
Estampa art Fair 2018 [Madrid .Spain] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón
Odeon 2017 | [Bogotá .Colombia] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
Artesantander 2017 [Madrid .Spain] proyecto WUNDERKAMMER / ATM Galeria / Gijón.
JustMad8. [Madrid .Spain].| Proyect Curated Venture. Comisariado por Tim Goossens.| Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
ArtLima 2016 y 2017. [Lima. Perú] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
SP-ARTE 2013 | [Sao Paulo.Brasil]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
PINTA New York 2012. | [NYC. EEUU]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
PARTE ´11 | [Sao Paulo.Brasil]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
Art Lisboa ´09 ´10. | [Lisboa. Portugal]. Stand Two Heads Chicken Gallery / Evora.
ART MADRID ´06 ´07 ´08. | [Madrid .Spain]. Stand Galería Val i 30 / Valencia.
ARCO ´04/´03/´02/´01/´00. | [Madrid .Spain]. Stand Galería Val i 30/ Valencia.
2023 INDEXAR EL PAISAJE. Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia. León. Spain.
2023 LARGELY (NOT WHOLLY) / Årets udstilling | 3-5 june| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design.Copenhagen,Denmark
2022 I AM STILL IN THE GAME /OPEN HOUSE. |19-25 may| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design.Copenhagen,Denmark.
2022 25 AÑOS-BECAS PEDRO MARCO. Sala Josep Renau. Facultad BBAA UPV, Valencia, Spain.*
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Florencio de la Fuente / Requena, Spain.*
2021 KOLLEGIALISME | Open Studios.|29 may-5 june| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2020 Mascarare (Art in pandemic times). virtual exhibition. MUVIM | Valencia | Spain.*
2020 120th Kunstnernes Efteraarsudstilling KE20. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. København. Denmark.
2018 Ruinart Studios. Ruinart & CCA Andratx de Mallorca. MARTIN ASBÆK GALLERY. København. Denmark.
2018 Pulsión tectónica. Propuesta de Cruce y galeria ATM. Cruce Arte y pensamiento contemporaneo.Doctor Fourquet/5. Madrid.
2018 I Bienal de Pintura MªIsabel Comenge. LA NAU Cultural Center of the University of Valencia. Spain.*
2017 Adventus, Curated by Pablo L. Álvarez . Galeria ATM. Gijón.
2016 Por Venir. Casa de Velázquez - Académie de France à Madrid, Spain.
2016 IV Convocatoria Mardel de Pintura. Museo Centro del Carmen. Valencia.*
2016 XVI EAC . Encuentros de arte contemporáneo 2016. MUA (Museo Universidad Alicante), Alicante.*
2016 Any Given Book. White Noise Gallery. Roma. Italia.
2016 Deconstructing ab Borjas . Convent de Sant Domènec, Xàtiva.
2015 POP-UP. Royal Academy. National Engraving. Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Madrid. Spain.*
2015 30 Premio BMW de Pintura. Teatro Real de Madrid / Casa de Vacas, parque del Buen Retiro. Madrid.
2014 SPAZI APERTI. What do artist do in Rome?. Rumanian Academy in Rome. Italy.*
2014 The Pop-up Royal Academy. Researchers / artists 2013-2014 from the Spanish Academy in Rome. Italy.*
2013 ON/OFF:Between remembering and forgetting. Alliance Française in Puebla. Mexico.
2013 Presence and figure. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerant) *
Museum Centro del Carmen. Valencia. Spain. (January-April 2013)
2012 Presence and figure. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerant) *
Lonja del Pescado Center. Alicante. Spain. (July-September 2012)
2012 RuzafArt.Open Studios.18,19,20 de Mayo 2012. Valencia*
2011 VII International Art Biennale, SIART. La Paz. Bolivia. *
2011 Contemporânea Art Paraty 2011, Festival Internacional das Artes Visuais Paraty, Brasil.
2011 Cartographies of creativity. 100 Valencian artists. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.(International Itinerancy)
National Museum of Art in Havana. Cuba. *
2010 A Tribute. Two Heads Chicken Gallery. Evora, Portugal
2010 Cartographies of creativity. 100 Valencian artists. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.(International Itinerancy)
Museum Centro del Carmen. Valencia. Spain. *
National Museum of Modern Art in Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic. *
2009 Mágicos Olhos das Américas. Museo de Arte AfroBrasil. Sao Paulo. Brasil *
2009 Corpórea. Representations of the body in contemporary times. MUA / Alicante University Museum. Alicante. Spain.*
2009 IV National Painting Prize Rioja Parliament. La Rioja.Spain.*
2008 Bipolar. Galeria Bernardo Marquez, Lisboa. Portugal.
2008 Sangue novo (New blood). Museu Bispo do Rosário Arte Contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
2007 Intramuros. P Herrera and Rojas Palace. Lanzarote. Las Palmas. Spain.
2006 Cap-i-Cua. Mito Gallery. Barcelona. Spain. *
2005 Menj Art 2005. Ca Revolta, Valencia. Spain.
2005 Circulo Pompeyano. CLAVE Gallery. Murcia. Spain.
2005 Circulo Pompeyano. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2004 Poemario Hedonista. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain
2003 Circuit d´Art Contemporani Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerante) *
2003 Poemario Hedonista. Felix Gomez Gallery. Sevilla. Spain.
2003 Sombras y juegos de máscara (En torno al pathos y la representación). Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2002 Libertad vigilada. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2002 Sombras. La Aurora Gallery. Murcia. Spain.
2002 Umbrales. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain. *
2001 7 vicios, 7 virtudes. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain. *
2000 Desapariciones. Enigma e identidad. Sala de exposiciones Josep Renau. Valencia. Spain. *
1999 Come Back 3. Sala Parpalló Centre Valencià de Cultura Mediterrània-La Beneficència. Spain.*
2021 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen (july-sept)
2021 World Wide Air resident (april-june 2021) - FABRIKKEN with the support of Statens Kunstfond an Obel Family Foundation.
2020 Acquisition for the Collection of Contemporary Art of the Generalitat Valenciana (SPAIN)
2019 Tilskud til vaerkproduktion STATENS KUNSTFOND - Danish arts foundation / Denmark.
2019 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2017 Winner of the first prize PORTRAET NU 2017 Nordic competition The Carlsberg Foundation Portrait Award.
for artists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, The Faroe Islands, Iceland, and The Åland Islands.
2017 IV Grant for artistic investigation and production Espai Rambleta. Valencia / Spain.
2016 Grant Ayudas específicas de la Casa de Velázquez. Artist residence. Academy of France in Madrid/Spain.(may-july 2016)
2015 Selecionado como uno de los 10 finalistas/Medalla de Honor del 30 Premio BMW de Pintura
2014 Grant MAEC AECID. Spanish Artist in Residence, the ROYAL ACADEMY OF SPAIN IN ROME. Italy. (January-July 2014)
2013 Visual Arts Grant “Alfons Roig” to develop an art project / Mexico / Brazil.
2012 Grant to promote Contemporary Spanish Art. Ministry of Culture. Spain. 2012.
2011 Grant to promote Contemporary Spanish Art. Ministry of Culture. Spain.2011.
2006/2005/2004 Award / Acquisition. Edition 67/66/65 International Exhibition of Fine Arts Valdepeñas. Museum of Valdepeñas. Spain.
2003 Participation in the art festival Sentidos Gratis in the cultural capital. Coimbra. Portugal
2002 Grant ART-VISUAL. Contemporary Art Circuit. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. Spain.
2002 1st prize drawing. V Edition Galileo Galilei Arts. Valencia. Spain.
2001 Visual Arts Grant PEDRO MARCO. Valencia. Spain
2000 Participation in the workshop Cittanova 2000 immagini forme e colori della contemporaneità. Cittanova. Italia.
1998/1999 Erasmus Scholarship. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. Italia
(*) catalog
2021 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen (july-sept)
2021 World Wide Air resident FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design. Copenhagen, Denmark. (april-june2019 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen, Denmark
2016 Artist residence. Academy of France in Madrid "Casa Velazquez". May-July. Madrid, Spain.
2015 Stay and research for the realization of a fresco at the XVI century cloister at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy.
2014 Artist in residence with specialty in painting at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy.
2013 Artist Residence, Oficina de Arte production space. March-September. Mexico DF. Mexico.
2012 XVIII Iberoamerican Culture Festival. Casa de Iberoamerica and the Regional Department of Culture in Holguin. Cuba.
(Developed with support from the Spanish Ministry of Culture 2012 to promote contemporary art)
2012 Festivalul International al Artelor Vizuale GORJFEST. 7-16 October. Tg-Jiu/Gorj. Rumania.
2011 Participation in the VII International Art Biennale, SIART. La Paz. Bolivia.
2011 Invitation to develop painting project in Brazil (Sao Paulo) by the contemporary art gallery Paralelo Gallery. Brazil.
(Developed with support from the Spanish Ministry of Culture 2011 to promote contemporary art)
2009 Artist Workshop by Walid Raad. Valencian Institute of Modern Art. IVAM.Valencia.Spain.
2008 Stay/ Artistic Research, Bispo de Rosario Museum of Contemporary Art. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
2003 Natural Painting Workshop. Conducted by Antonio Lopez. Graduate Training Center. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
2004 MFA in Drawing and expressive methods. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
1998-1999 BFA /Erasmus Scholarship. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. Italia.
1994-1999 Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts. Valencia Polytechnic University. Spain.
2023 “The state of the Art”. Cultural Center Petrer .Petrer (Alicante). Spain.
2022 “Cannibal Painting” Parpalló Gallery/MuVIM(Museu Valencia de la Il.lustració i la Modernitat).Valencia. Spain.*
2022 A new portrait of HRH Crown Princess Mary is created. / Preliminary studies by Jesús Herrera Martínez/. The Museum of National History. Frederiksborg Castle. Denmark.*
2019 All the partial knowledge of the world. The Museum of National History. Frederiksborg Castle. Denmark.*
2018 Taking care of the Garden of Eden. White Noise Gallery.Rome. Italy
2017 SPATIVM HERMETICVM. Espai Rambleta. Valencia.*
2016 ABISMO. El Paisaje en el Nuevo Occidente. Galeria ATM. Gijón.
2015 Landscapes in the New West. MUVIM. Valencia.*
2015 HYPERBAROQUE. White Noise Gallery. Rome. Italy.
2012 [Ex Fumo in Lucem]. Casa de Iberoamerica Holguín. Cuba. *
2011 Orlas e margens do racional. Paralelo Gallery, Sao Paulo. Brazil. *
2008 Quebra-Cabeça. Manoel Macedo Contemporary Art Gallery. Belo Horizonte. Brazil. *
2008 Iconoclastias. Cultural Center of Mislata. Valencia. Spain. *
2007 Tempus Mutis. Atlantic Financial Center. A Coruña. Spain.
2006 Parafilias. In the context of 4th Festival of Agro-Erotic. L'Alcudia. Valencia. Spain. *
Art Rotterdam 2022.[Netherlands] | 19-22 may | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome. .
JustMad 2022 [Spain] | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome
Art Rotterdam 2021.[Netherlands] | 1-4 July | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome.
Art Verona 2020 -digital yelow | [Italy /covid digital edition/ 4-14 december ] | White Noise Gallery / Rome.
JustMadXI 2020 and 2019 [Spain] | Stand White Noise Gallery / Rome.
ArtBO 2018 | [Bogotá .Colombia] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón
Estampa art Fair 2018 [Madrid .Spain] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón
Odeon 2017 | [Bogotá .Colombia] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
Artesantander 2017 [Madrid .Spain] proyecto WUNDERKAMMER / ATM Galeria / Gijón.
JustMad8. [Madrid .Spain].| Proyect Curated Venture. Comisariado por Tim Goossens.| Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
ArtLima 2016 y 2017. [Lima. Perú] | Stand Galeria ATM / Gijón.
SP-ARTE 2013 | [Sao Paulo.Brasil]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
PINTA New York 2012. | [NYC. EEUU]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
PARTE ´11 | [Sao Paulo.Brasil]. Stand Paralelo Gallery / Sao Paulo.
Art Lisboa ´09 ´10. | [Lisboa. Portugal]. Stand Two Heads Chicken Gallery / Evora.
ART MADRID ´06 ´07 ´08. | [Madrid .Spain]. Stand Galería Val i 30 / Valencia.
ARCO ´04/´03/´02/´01/´00. | [Madrid .Spain]. Stand Galería Val i 30/ Valencia.
2023 INDEXAR EL PAISAJE. Fundación Cerezales Antonino y Cinia. León. Spain.
2023 LARGELY (NOT WHOLLY) / Årets udstilling | 3-5 june| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design.Copenhagen,Denmark
2022 I AM STILL IN THE GAME /OPEN HOUSE. |19-25 may| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design.Copenhagen,Denmark.
2022 25 AÑOS-BECAS PEDRO MARCO. Sala Josep Renau. Facultad BBAA UPV, Valencia, Spain.*
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Florencio de la Fuente / Requena, Spain.*
2021 KOLLEGIALISME | Open Studios.|29 may-5 june| FABRIKKEN for Kunst & Design. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2020 Mascarare (Art in pandemic times). virtual exhibition. MUVIM | Valencia | Spain.*
2020 120th Kunstnernes Efteraarsudstilling KE20. Den Frie Udstillingsbygning. København. Denmark.
2018 Ruinart Studios. Ruinart & CCA Andratx de Mallorca. MARTIN ASBÆK GALLERY. København. Denmark.
2018 Pulsión tectónica. Propuesta de Cruce y galeria ATM. Cruce Arte y pensamiento contemporaneo.Doctor Fourquet/5. Madrid.
2018 I Bienal de Pintura MªIsabel Comenge. LA NAU Cultural Center of the University of Valencia. Spain.*
2017 Adventus, Curated by Pablo L. Álvarez . Galeria ATM. Gijón.
2016 Por Venir. Casa de Velázquez - Académie de France à Madrid, Spain.
2016 IV Convocatoria Mardel de Pintura. Museo Centro del Carmen. Valencia.*
2016 XVI EAC . Encuentros de arte contemporáneo 2016. MUA (Museo Universidad Alicante), Alicante.*
2016 Any Given Book. White Noise Gallery. Roma. Italia.
2016 Deconstructing ab Borjas . Convent de Sant Domènec, Xàtiva.
2015 POP-UP. Royal Academy. National Engraving. Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Madrid. Spain.*
2015 30 Premio BMW de Pintura. Teatro Real de Madrid / Casa de Vacas, parque del Buen Retiro. Madrid.
2014 SPAZI APERTI. What do artist do in Rome?. Rumanian Academy in Rome. Italy.*
2014 The Pop-up Royal Academy. Researchers / artists 2013-2014 from the Spanish Academy in Rome. Italy.*
2013 ON/OFF:Between remembering and forgetting. Alliance Française in Puebla. Mexico.
2013 Presence and figure. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerant) *
Museum Centro del Carmen. Valencia. Spain. (January-April 2013)
2012 Presence and figure. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerant) *
Lonja del Pescado Center. Alicante. Spain. (July-September 2012)
2012 RuzafArt.Open Studios.18,19,20 de Mayo 2012. Valencia*
2011 VII International Art Biennale, SIART. La Paz. Bolivia. *
2011 Contemporânea Art Paraty 2011, Festival Internacional das Artes Visuais Paraty, Brasil.
2011 Cartographies of creativity. 100 Valencian artists. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.(International Itinerancy)
National Museum of Art in Havana. Cuba. *
2010 A Tribute. Two Heads Chicken Gallery. Evora, Portugal
2010 Cartographies of creativity. 100 Valencian artists. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana.(International Itinerancy)
Museum Centro del Carmen. Valencia. Spain. *
National Museum of Modern Art in Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic. *
2009 Mágicos Olhos das Américas. Museo de Arte AfroBrasil. Sao Paulo. Brasil *
2009 Corpórea. Representations of the body in contemporary times. MUA / Alicante University Museum. Alicante. Spain.*
2009 IV National Painting Prize Rioja Parliament. La Rioja.Spain.*
2008 Bipolar. Galeria Bernardo Marquez, Lisboa. Portugal.
2008 Sangue novo (New blood). Museu Bispo do Rosário Arte Contemporânea. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
2007 Intramuros. P Herrera and Rojas Palace. Lanzarote. Las Palmas. Spain.
2006 Cap-i-Cua. Mito Gallery. Barcelona. Spain. *
2005 Menj Art 2005. Ca Revolta, Valencia. Spain.
2005 Circulo Pompeyano. CLAVE Gallery. Murcia. Spain.
2005 Circulo Pompeyano. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2004 Poemario Hedonista. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain
2003 Circuit d´Art Contemporani Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. (Itinerante) *
2003 Poemario Hedonista. Felix Gomez Gallery. Sevilla. Spain.
2003 Sombras y juegos de máscara (En torno al pathos y la representación). Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2002 Libertad vigilada. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain.
2002 Sombras. La Aurora Gallery. Murcia. Spain.
2002 Umbrales. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain. *
2001 7 vicios, 7 virtudes. Val i 30 Gallery. Valencia. Spain. *
2000 Desapariciones. Enigma e identidad. Sala de exposiciones Josep Renau. Valencia. Spain. *
1999 Come Back 3. Sala Parpalló Centre Valencià de Cultura Mediterrània-La Beneficència. Spain.*
2021 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen (july-sept)
2021 World Wide Air resident (april-june 2021) - FABRIKKEN with the support of Statens Kunstfond an Obel Family Foundation.
2020 Acquisition for the Collection of Contemporary Art of the Generalitat Valenciana (SPAIN)
2019 Tilskud til vaerkproduktion STATENS KUNSTFOND - Danish arts foundation / Denmark.
2019 Statens Vaerksteder for Kunst. Grant for artistic production residency at the Danish Art Workshops. Copenhagen, Denmark.
2017 Winner of the first prize PORTRAET NU 2017 Nordic competition The Carlsberg Foundation Portrait Award.
for artists in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, The Faroe Islands, Iceland, and The Åland Islands.
2017 IV Grant for artistic investigation and production Espai Rambleta. Valencia / Spain.
2016 Grant Ayudas específicas de la Casa de Velázquez. Artist residence. Academy of France in Madrid/Spain.(may-july 2016)
2015 Selecionado como uno de los 10 finalistas/Medalla de Honor del 30 Premio BMW de Pintura
2014 Grant MAEC AECID. Spanish Artist in Residence, the ROYAL ACADEMY OF SPAIN IN ROME. Italy. (January-July 2014)
2013 Visual Arts Grant “Alfons Roig” to develop an art project / Mexico / Brazil.
2012 Grant to promote Contemporary Spanish Art. Ministry of Culture. Spain. 2012.
2011 Grant to promote Contemporary Spanish Art. Ministry of Culture. Spain.2011.
2006/2005/2004 Award / Acquisition. Edition 67/66/65 International Exhibition of Fine Arts Valdepeñas. Museum of Valdepeñas. Spain.
2003 Participation in the art festival Sentidos Gratis in the cultural capital. Coimbra. Portugal
2002 Grant ART-VISUAL. Contemporary Art Circuit. Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. Spain.
2002 1st prize drawing. V Edition Galileo Galilei Arts. Valencia. Spain.
2001 Visual Arts Grant PEDRO MARCO. Valencia. Spain
2000 Participation in the workshop Cittanova 2000 immagini forme e colori della contemporaneità. Cittanova. Italia.
1998/1999 Erasmus Scholarship. Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. Italia
(*) catalog